What’s New • Monthly Special • Blogs
What’s New List
April 23, 2021
Dwarf Pea Puffers
Electric Blue Acaras
Peacock Gudgeon
American Flagfish
Dario sp. “Tiger”
Exochromis anagenys
Labidochromis sp. “Yellow Top Mbamba”
Copadichromis borleyi
Chalinochromis brichardi
XL Geophagus “Red Head Tapajos”
Xenotaca lyonsi
Blue Panaque Pleco L239
Gold Nugget Pleco L018
BLack Angels
Yellow Rabbit Snails
PR XL Rd Delta Guppies
Black Knight Betta
Crowntail Beta
XL Pink Kissing Gouramis
Bamboo Flower Shrimp
Red King Kong Shrimp
Sparkling Gouramis
Marine Fish
Passers Angel
Guinea Fowl Puffer
Midnight Parrot
Rainford Gobies
Long Nose Hawks
White Spine Tangs
Midas Blennies
Hepatus Tang
Bicolor Goats
Desjardini Tang
Grey Angel
Queen Angels
Coris Gaimard
Clown Triggers
Opercularis Hog
Orbic Bat
Green Bird Wrasse
Blue Parrot
Mimic Tangs
Blue Dot Jaws
Ruby Red Dragonette
Flag Fin Angel
Paddle Fin Wrasse
We do have few Yellow Tangs available for sale. Contact us for details.
Here are the da’ cherries this week!