Top 5 Frags to Buy at Absolutely Fish

By: Eric Russo


5. Zoanthids/Palythoas

Zoanthids and Paythoa buttons offer any hobbyist the opportunity to add a variety of color into their tank. They are relatively easy to maintain and will grow at a decent rate. Zoanthids in particular are very prone to pests such as nudibranchs so dipping new purchases in a coral cleaning bath is highly recommended. It is important to use caution when handling and particularly when fragging zoanthids and palythoa buttons due to the dangerous palytoxins they possess.

4. Montipora capricornis

This montipora species is most notable for the unique way it grows in a stacked plating formation. As far as SPS corals are concerned, this is a great option for beginners, it is fairly easy to keep and will grow quickly. To enjoy the potentially explosive growth it can be known for calcium and alkalinity levels should be monitored and kept in optimal ranges. As with zoanthids and palythoas these corals are prone to pests and should be dipped before adding to the tank.

3. Acans (Micromussa lordhowensis)

Knows colloquially as “Acans”, these LPS brain corals have been reclassified within the last few years from the genus Acanthastrea to the genus Micromussa.  Taxonomy aside, these corals make awesome frags that are easy to keep. Individual polyps can be found with multitudes of color, with many earning a nickname like “rainbow”. These corals benefit from semi-regular feeding and can consume food as large as a pellet or a mysis shrimp.

2. Frogspawn 

The genus Euphyllia has several corals that could be in a top 5 list, but there’s something about frogspawn that gives it the edge. It features the same long polyp extension seen with torch corals but with a more interesting polyp shape like a hammer. It’s the best of all Euphyllia has to offer, and frags here at the shop are always among the first to sell. While slower growing than the other corals on this list it is still easy to keep alive and thriving. Keep in mind when placing it in your aquarium that is has a longer reach than most corals, it is semi-aggressive, and it can sting neighboring species.

1. Green Star Polyp

We’ve made it to the top slot on the list and some may find this pick controversial. Green Star Polyp is an excellent choice for beginners to experts alike; it has vibrant coloration, pleasing motion in the aquarium, and it grows quickly….very quickly. This coral is probably only rivaled by Xenia in terms of potential growth rate and can be overwhelming for those who are unprepared. Careful consideration should be taken when determining placement because under ideal growing conditions, it can take up more “real estate” in the aquarium then you intended. Many hobbyists have had experiences that left those feeling like Green Star Polyp were akin to other reef pests like aiptasia, but when properly placed and tended to it makes a great addition to any reef.

There are so many other corals that make great frags, but these are some of my personal favorites. Feel free to share your favorite frags or just talk coral in general with us in the shop! Stop by soon to see these and many more awesome options for your reef tank!

