Bettas to buy in New Jersey
Written by: Aira Yzabel Manampan
You’ve seen them in pet shops and pet retail stores, the grumpy faces staring at you through the plastic cup they arrived in. The domesticated Betta Fish (Siamese Fighting Fish,) or Betta splendens, are known for their vivid and vibrant colors and flowing fins. They are the most popular fish for aquarium hobbyists and the most recommended for those new to keeping fish. Their origins are from Southeast Asia, inhabiting shallow rice paddies, ponds, and slow-moving streams. Quick and easy to breed, they can be shipped all over the globe for people to enjoy their appearances and personalities.
Despite their hardy nature and natural environments in Southeast Asia, one of the most common misconceptions about these fish is that Bettas can live happily in small bowls ranging from 0.5 to 1.0 gallons with little to no decorations or stimulation. In reality, they need ample space to swim and explore comfortably. The Betta’s wild cousin’s natural environment consists of small caves and bundles of roots and plants to hide in.
One way to describe their ideal living space is to imagine living in your bedroom for your entire life with nothing to sleep on or any activities versus having the whole house to yourself. Most would pick their entire home, so keep these incredible fish in tanks of at least 2.5 gallons, while the best is at least 5 gallons.

Clean water is essential for Bettas. Regular water changes and a gentle, slow-moving filtration system will help maintain water quality. Since these fish are tropical, invest in a heater with a set temperature of 76-82 degrees Fahrenheit (24-28 degrees Celsius.) Colder waters can lead to a lower immune system and slower digestion of food.
In terms of foods; Bettas are carnivorous and will need a diet that is rich in protein. Pellets and frozen/freeze-dried brine shrimp or bloodworms are a good staple, but a varied diet is the key to keeping them healthy and their colors vibrant. We at Absolutely Fish sell our own Betta pellets. A top tier food manufacturer helped us develop a betta-specific diet, notoriously sound for all gourami and Asian fish. Remember to feed your Betta in small amounts daily. Another poor misconception is to feed them every two to three days (which is wrong), and overfeeding can lead to a dirty tank and health issues.

Betta fish are rewarding and unique pets when given the best care to thrive. Providing their best habitat, varied diet, and regular tank maintenance, your Betta can show their personalities and live by your side happily. Stop by Absolutely Fish in Clifton, New Jersey and talk to a Betta enthusiast such as myself. Let’s promote proper Betta fish care!